Artist Spotlight: Crafty Chameleon

Lisa Diamond is a highly skilled artisan whose creative passion shines through her exquisite handcrafted creations. With a mastery of her craft, she transforms glassware, rocks, canvases, and various objects into stunning pieces of art, each meticulously hand-painted with intricate designs and vibrant colors. Her talent extends to the realm of jewelry-making, where she expertly crafts unique and enchanting pieces, using only the finest materials. Additionally, Lisa’s creativity knows no bounds as she also crafts crystal wands, pocket spells, and hair accessories that radiate with mystical energy. Her work is a testament to her dedication, skill, and the profound beauty she brings into the world through her artistry.

Artist Spotlight: Dark Moon

Chelsea Speggen is a multifaceted creator whose talents span the realms of magic, art, and holistic wellness. Through her captivating creations, she weaves spells and enchantments into everyday objects, crafting spell kisses, spell jars, spell jar necklaces, and resin spell necklaces that carry a touch of the mystical. Moreover, Chelsea curates a selection of sacred tools and offerings, including sage, palo santo, crystals, and herbs, enabling others to cultivate their own spiritual journeys. Beyond her creations and merchandise, Chelsea extends her expertise by providing meditation and life coaching services, guiding individuals on a path of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. With her unique blend of artistic expression and holistic support, Chelsea empowers others to embrace their inner magic and create a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Artist Spotlight: Double D’s Tarot & Tattoo

Diana Manitu possesses a unique gift for connecting with the unseen realms and offering profound insights to those seeking guidance. As a psychic reader, she uses her intuitive abilities to delve into the energies surrounding individuals, providing them with valuable clarity and wisdom. Alongside her psychic readings, Diana also showcases her artistic talent through the creation of temporary henna tattoos. Drawing upon ancient traditions, her henna designs not only adorn the skin but also carry symbolic meaning and intention. Through her dual offerings of psychic readings and henna tattoos, Diana Manitu creates an enchanting and transformative experience, leaving her clients with a renewed sense of self and a tangible expression of their inner journey.

Artist Spotlight: Intuitive Design

Melissa Jewell is an emerging spiritual entrepreneur who embarked on her transformative journey with crystals three years ago, igniting a passion that led her to open her own business in February 2023. With a wealth of knowledge and experience in the metaphysical realm, Melissa offers a diverse range of services to guide and empower her clients. Through her psychic readings, she taps into the unseen realms, offering insightful glimpses into the past, present, and future. Melissa’s expertise extends to numerology charts and Intuitive GiftMap charts, illuminating the unique gifts and life paths of individuals. Additionally, she offers spiritual work and energy work, harnessing metaphysical principles to facilitate healing and personal growth. Melissa’s skills also encompass energetic and crystal healing, utilizing the power of crystals to restore balance and vitality to her clients. With her dedication, knowledge, and holistic approach, Melissa Jewell creates a sanctuary of transformation and enlightenment for those seeking spiritual guidance and healing.

Artists Spotlight: Valiant’s Portal

Megan Smith is a versatile artist whose creative talents span across multiple domains. With a keen eye for design, she crafts exquisite home decor pieces that effortlessly blend style and functionality, adding a touch of beauty to any living space. Megan’s artistic prowess extends to the realm of table-top gaming, where she skillfully creates unique and enchanting items that enhance the gaming experience. In addition to her artistic endeavors, Megan also offers a curated selection of metaphysical supplies, catering to the spiritual needs of her clientele, providing a pathway for individuals to explore and deepen their spiritual practices. With Megan’s artistic creations and metaphysical supplies, she creates a harmonious fusion of aesthetic appeal and spiritual exploration, inspiring a sense of wonder and enchantment in all who encounter her work.

Musician Spotlight: Brandi Barton

Brandi Barton is a captivating singer whose mesmerizing performances have made her a cherished favorite! With a voice that effortlessly weaves through enchanting melodies and soul-stirring lyrics, Brandi has the remarkable ability to transport her audience to ethereal realms. Her performances are a harmonious blend of passion, talent, and undeniable stage presence, leaving the crowd spellbound and craving for more. Whether she’s belting out powerful ballads or delivering delicate, heartfelt tunes, Brandi’s voice resonates deep within the hearts of those who have the privilege of experiencing her music. Her magnetic presence and undeniable talent make her an unforgettable gem of the Crystal Kingdom Festival, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of music lovers year after year.

Musician Spotlight: Dragons Eye Band

Dragons Eye Band is a dynamic musical ensemble that captivates audiences with their electrifying performances across a diverse range of genres. With a fiery combination of rock, metal, alternative, and country music, they deliver a powerful fusion of sounds that transcends boundaries and delights music enthusiasts from all walks of life. From adrenaline-pumping guitar riffs to soul-stirring vocal harmonies, the Dragons Eye Band’s performances are a relentless display of energy, passion, and raw talent. With each song, they take their listeners on a thrilling sonic journey, seamlessly transitioning between genres and captivating audiences with their versatility. Whether it’s the headbanging intensity of rock and metal or the heartfelt storytelling of alternative and country, the Dragons Eye Band’s musical prowess leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of all who witness their electrifying performances.

New Moon in Leo, Lions Gate Portal

August 8, 2021

New Moons are all about manifestation. Looking within yourself and deciding what seeds of intention you want to grow. Ask yourself what your next step is and how do you want to nourish that in your life. So, it is also a time of self-care and reflection. As the moon is dark in the sky (Yet energy is just as strong as when it is full) we can look quietly at the darkness within ourselves and decide where we want to shine our light. This particular new moon just so happens to correlate with the lions’ gate portal. Which is also a very big manifestation portal. So yeah, I invite you to put your dreams out there. It’s time for you to shine. Side note…. Be careful what you wish for and be specific. If you keep seeing yourself driving a new car you may end up working at a car dealership instead of owning one.

So, Let’s start with this Lions gate portal, shall we? This is a cosmic portal, and it reaches its peak on the 8th day of the 8th month. 8 is the number associated with power, abundance, DNA activation and higher realms of consciousness. It also represents infinity. The infinite soul and our forever consciousness. It is called the Lions gate portal because it lands in the sign of Leo. The Lion in our zodiac calendar. Truth is this cosmic alignment was originally observed in Egypt. This is the time of year the Nile flooded with water. This provided water for the land and nourishment for the people. It was celebrated as a time of abundance and access to our superpowers. The portal is marked by the star Sirius. As it rises Orion’s belt aligns with the Great Pyramid of Giza and Sirius is closer to earth. When this alignment happens there is a surge of light which awakens DNA, activates the human energy field, and transmits high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening. This portal is a time for creation. A time of potent energy and a flow of abundance. Therefore, it is a very strong manifestation portal.

Leo is a fire sign and ruled by the sun and is ruled by the 5th house of romance and self-expression. These Lions tend to be ambitious, focused, and capable of making decisive actions to reach their goals. They have an appetite for luxury, drama and taking empowered actions. They also can be stubborn, inflexible and ego driven. These characteristics can come to light in this new moon.

So, I hate to break it to you guys, but this new moon’s theme is chaotic change. I invite you to go with the flow. What you may be asking for may be a ride to get to. New moon Square Uranus- brings chaos, revolution, unexpected change, and instability. All of this can make you anxious and nervous and maybe excited too. Don’t let these feelings lead you to impulsiveness and unreliability. This strong Lion moon can amplify pride and ego. You may feel strong and expressive. Be mindful to not be arrogant or get into ego conflicts. The best way to handle these changes is to be flexible. Be open to change and opportunities that are out of your normal routine. This can lead to exciting new possibilities. Uranus is conjunct. This gives us mystical and scientific interest and abilities. (Kind of goes with that portal, huh?) It makes our minds more active and taps into our artistic side. We may also experience troubles with the opposite sex, loss through false friends or fire and we may alternate back and forth with misfortune and good fortune. Thanks Uranus…..I think….. How do you see your life in 6 months? That manifesting energy will be strong, and we need to really think about what we want to be harvesting under the Leo Full Moon in February. When these manifestations start flowing, be mindful and flexible. Be confident in yourself and your journey. Know everything happens for a reason. Whether it be work, friends or partners. Sometimes we are handed steppingstones and lessons to get where we need to be. Things may get chaotic and that’s ok. Trust the process and focus on your path.