Crystal Corner: April 2021

Hello to all and Happy Spring. I’ve been enjoying the colors of the early bloomers. Plants like forsythia, ironwood, daffodils, and crocus. The beautiful colors remind me of all the crystals in my collections.

Today’s Crystal is Tiger Eye

Most people don’t know that there are several different colors in Tigers’ Eye.

They are very familiar with the lovely Golden yellow Tiger Eye which gives the stone its name. Some people are even familiar with Blue Tiger Eye, also known as Hawk or Falcon Eye. Red Tiger Eye is called Ox or Bulls Eye and Tiger Iron. The beautiful Green Tiger Eye is also called Cat’s Eye and there is even a purple color that is called Albino Tiger Eye, names for a rare genetic disorder in some cat breeds. They are born with lavender eyes that change to a darker purple. “Can cats have purple eyes? A cat does not have purple eyes in the way you imagine: a brilliant variation on blue that is the stuff of fairytales. The closest thing to a feline with purple eyes, are the lilac eyes of rare albino cats.” This disorder is also found in some humans. It is known as Alexandria’s Genesis. Look this one up. It’s fascinating. Mostly false but fun nonetheless.

It should be noted that the basic properties of all these stones do not change. The variant colors only add to the properties to make some amazing stones.

Golden Tiger Eye is associated with courage. It can be used as a talisman against bullying, to calm stressful situations, strength, self-confidence, motivation, creative energy, and determination. This stone may help with fear and anxiety, harmony and balance, protection, grounding, and attracting prosperity and luck.

Red Tiger Eye, (Ox or Bull’s Eye or Tiger Iron) is created from the golden version when it’s exposed to lightning or fire. These elements convert iron oxide into hematite. Red Tiger Eye, quote:

“Healing properties. Tiger’s Eye heals paralysis, blood diseases, osteochondrosis, arthritis and inflammations of bone tissue. It is helpful in cases of schizophrenia, various mental disorders and impulsive obsession. Tiger’s Eye reduces weariness and irritability, improves various heart and asthmatic conditions.

Tiger’s Eye Healing and Magic Properties, Talismans and Amulets – Little Treasure Chest and Jewel’s Empire

Blue Tiger Eye, (Hawk or Falcon’s Eye), is a soothing, calming stone. It works with the Third Eye and Throat Chakras for intuition, relieves fear, increases abilities of clairvoyance, balances male/female energies, astral travel, remote viewing, allows the throat to open for articulate speech.  It also encourages emotional balance, relieves fatigue and aids in diminishing depression.  This stone has been used historically in prosperity rituals.

Green Tiger Eye, (Cat’s Eye), Historically used as a stone of abundance/prosperity. Said to aid children with the healing of illness.  It also aids in concentration, strengthens willpower, and creates harmony.

Purple Tiger Eye, (Albino Tiger Eye), is known as a power stone. It helps with mental strength, has been said to warn the owner of danger with regard to health issues, works with intuition, success, balance, and achieving goals.  Purple Tiger Eye is a natural stone but has been dyed to bring out the color.

So, there you have it. Five lovely forms of Tiger Eye to enhance your life, moods, emotions, and spirit.


Photos courtesy of Ebay.